Organizing a simple event can be an excellent way to raise funds for your marathon fundraising goal and can often be done with minimal planning. Hold one of these events, or come up with your own unique idea.

Please note that PPMD has instituted a policy around applying grassroots event funds to endurance fundraising minimums. Review this policy and let us know if you have any questions. The policy applies only to events that require PPMD staff time and resources.


Everyone loves a homemade treat! Ask friends, neighbors, and family members to bake two or three batches of their favorite cookie, cake, homemade lemonade, or other sweet treat, and hold a good old-fashioned bake sale. All you’ll need is a table or two, some signs, and some cash to make change. Set up outside of a local business (be sure to ask the manager’s permission first) and watch people flock to you! Hang up signs around the neighborhood, and contact the local newspaper in advance to ask if they’ll list your sale in the community events section. Bake sales and lemonade stands are a great way to get kids involved too. They learn about running a business and raising money for a good cause. One of our runners recently raised more than $1,000 by holding a bake sale in front of her local grocery store!


Summer is here, and there’s no better time to break out the hose and soap and start a neighborhood car wash. Recruit some friends and family members to work with you, and ask a local church, school, or even business, if you can use their parking lot. Make signs out of big posterboards and have people stand near the street with them to lure in customers. This is a good fundraiser for teens to help with perhaps a high school club or church group. Make sure you have easy access to a hose hook-up, and let the cash flow in!


Everyone loves a chance to eat good food among good company. Ask a local bar or restaurant to donate a room or part of their space (aim for a night when business is usually slow, so they have the space to accommodate you). While you’re at it, ask if they’d be willing to donate some or all of the food and beverages as well, or if they’d charge you a small fee per person so you can make a profit. The meal can be a simple buffet to cut down on the staff needed to serve people. Enhance your event by asking a musician or comic to add some entertainment, or ask local businesses to donate items or gift certificates and hold a raffle or silent auction. Charge a flat admission fee per person, and get the party started!


Events such as golf tournaments or 5k races require a lot more legwork, but often yield much larger dollar amounts. The annual Kid’s Dash for Micah’s Miracle raises thousands of dollars to support the fundraising goals of several team members for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Marathon. Dance-a-thons, bike-a-thons, and other “a-thon” events have also been organized to help benefit Race to End Duchenne team members.

If you have an event idea, we probably have a way to help you put it together, so contact us to get started!